The Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities 

(Russian: Государственная корпорация по космической деятельности «Роскосмос», Gosudarstvyennaya korporaciya po kosmicheskoy dyeyatyel'nosti "Roskosmos"), commonly known as Roscosmos (Russian: Роскосмос), is a state corporation responsible for the wide range and types of space flights and cosmonautics programs for the Russian Federation.

Originally part of the Federal Space Agency (Russian: Федеральное космическое агентство, Federal'noye kosmicheskoye agentstvo), the corporation evolved and consolidated itself to the national state corporation on 28 December 2015 through a presidential decree. Before 1992, Roscosmos was a part of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Russian: Российское авиационно-космическое агентство, Rossiyskoe aviatsionno-kosmicheskoe agentstvo, commonly known as Rosaviakosmos).

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